Why an MN Ecology Walk?

Kids are natural-born scientists. At Cedar Creek, they have a unique opportunity to learn about Minnesota’s ecosystems while immersed in nature at one of the most important spots for ecological research in the world.

K-12 students at Cedar Creek

A place like no other

Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve occupies a singular place in the field of ecology. It is the birthplace of modern ecosystem ecology and the source of numerous discoveries that have shaped how we see nature and understand our role in it. Long-term research at Cedar Creek includes the world’s longest-running biodiversity and elevated carbon dioxide experiments, and has yielded insights into how ecosystems function, the effects of nitrogen deposition, and the importance of biodiversity and fire frequency. 

This world-famous site for ecological research is a microcosm of Minnesota with oak savanna, prairie, and boreal and deciduous forest. The convergence of these ecosystems within Cedar Creek’s nine-square-mile area provide a unique opportunity to experience firsthand these natural wonders and engage with research about the ways human activities are impacting them. The Minnesota Ecology Walk will extend that experience to thousands more students.

A community of the curious

Thousands of school-age children visit Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve each year. The experience leaves a lasting imprint on them. They venture to Cedar Bog Lake and other spots around the station to learn about the natural world through hands-on activities that support their growth as evidence-based thinkers. We want to extend that opportunity to many more K-12 students. Cedar Creek is expanding its K-12 field trip program by serving more students who are underrepresented in the sciences, and in districts where field trip learning opportunities have been historically limited. 

The Minnesota Ecology Walk is the brainchild of Dr. David Tilman — the world’s most prominent ecologist and 2020 Blue Planet Prize laureate — the longtime director of Cedar Creek. The goal: To make the field-shaping science accessible while instilling a deep connection to nature.

A microcosm of Minnesota in our own backyard

The Minnesota Ecology Walk will offer a unique immersive experience for K-12 students and the community. Imagine walking through oak savanna, prairie, and coniferous and deciduous forest, learning about field-shaping ecological research along the way in a single afternoon. That’s the vision for the Minnesota Ecology Walk, a quarter-mile trail that mirrors the state’s major ecosystems set in one of the most important ecological research sites on the planet. Providing the state’s K-12 students with access to this unique learning experience is the goal of this campaign to raise funds to build the walk a prairie root tunnel.


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